Friday, September 24, 2010

Classic Video Games Part Two

Welcome back everyone.

Today I will be briefly talking about Mega Man 2.

Though first I would like to thank everyone actually looking at my blog and leaving such good comments. Thank you.

Now onto Mega Man.  Mega Man 2 was released in June of 1989. This was the first game I ever played on my NES. I would rage quit many a time while playing. Then I would go back and kick ass....after a juice box.

Alright Mega Man 2 is about well Mega Man and his quest to save the world and destroy Dr. Wilys creations. Mega Man, the player, must defeat 8 different robot masters. They are Metal Man, Air Man, Bubble Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, and Wood Man.  Again enjoy a video courtesy of Duane & Brando.

I highly recommend you play this it is challenging and fun. Stay tuned for part 3.


  1. tell you something, i like to play Super Ghouls and Ghost.

  2. hell yeah megaman2 is the shit, they need to come out with a new epic one and megaman ost is the best imo

  3. Megaman! one of the best video games ever! In fact you made me wanna play it right now :(

  4. Megaman FTW. There is a dude on there I always called cheeseball guy.

  5. I wonder if they will make a live action movie of this game series, keep it up bro

  6. classics are the best

  7. megaman 2 is one of the greatest things to happen to this planet

  8. Ooh! Nostalgia! But for me, the SNES was the golden age. I still remember the first time I ever played Donkey Kong Country, my first game ever. :)
